Kafar Arabian Stud
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The Geldings

Geldings are the ultimate show horse, the showcase for a farm's breeding program and training. We have always believed in geldings!

KAS Jamil Monsoon


The first foal out of our wonder mare Kafar Sheeana, this gelding took a fourth place in English Trail at his first live show. As an up and coming performance horse, we have high hopes for Kafar Kismet.

Foaled 1998

Kafar Islam x Kafar Sheeana

KAS Jamil Monsoon


Another rare OF in our stable, and our first ever Peter Stone -- We thank Laurie Jo Jensen for creating this breathtaking Special Run "Raingod" -- We can't say enough about this beautiful horse... FLASH - he is a blue ribbon winner at his first photo show AND took a blue and Top Ten Championship at Delmarva Live 2000 and is now qualified for NAN.

Foaled 1998

*Kafar Mordred X KAS Gazelle

Kafar Mordreds Ghost


Kafar Mordreds Ghost is an international champion. This gelding has been winning since 1988. Qualified for the 1998/1999 MEPSA National Championship Show.

Foaled 1985

*Kafar Mordred X *Kafar Ashkhal

Kafar Istanbul


This flashy gelding is a blue ribbon winner and a double Reserve Champion.

Foaled 1994

Kafar Islam X Kafar Morshaadow

Kafar Mosaic


Kafar Mosaic is a blue ribbon winner, has a Stallion Championship to his credit and qualified for the 1998/1999 MEPSA National Championship Show. Since his full sibling Kafar Ibn Mordred will be standing Junior Sire duties, Kafar Mosaic was gelded December 12, 1999. He then qualified for NAN with a ticket earned at the Mid Atlantic Regionals in March 2000 and took a Reserve Champion Gelding title at an IPABRA show. Mosaic also took second in dressage at Delmarva Live 2000 and is double NAN qualified.

Foaled 1994

*Kafar Mordred X KAS The Lace

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